Archive for March, 2011

Minutes of VRG meeting 23/3/11

MINUTES OF THE VICTORIA ROAD GROUP MEETING held on Wednesday 23rd March 2011 at Sam and Ali’s


Bill, Diana, Gordon, Anna, Derek, Lindsay, John, Manda, Mary, Betty, Carol, Sally, Jonathan, Sam, Ali, Elman, Jelly, Nick, Da, Ruth.

1.      Appointment of minute-taker

Anna agreed to do this

2.      Apologies

Barbara, Janet

3.       Minutes of the last meeting were agreed

a)      Water on the Pavement

Towards the end of February, John reported the problem to Oxford CC and attached photos of streams outside #65 and #67.

On 24/2/11 Sophie Hearn (, tel: 01865 249811) replied: “I have requested that this highway is inspected ASAP, ref 101000191132”.

4.       Photography competition

Elman suggested participation in a photography competition to be open to all residents of the road.  He told us

“Annual themed photographic competitions are an excellent way to stimulate observation and interest –and at the same time collect an archive of relevant and possibly useful information for the future.
Adequate Digital photography is easily available to all –and very suitable for reproduction and storage.”

“I am glad to sponsor such a competition — prize £ 50 and continue next year if a success”

“A theme is essential  — to focus attention and be relevant —. This could be activities in the  road, and/or at our festivities,  personalities, flowers and gardens bordering the street in spring or summer etc, wild life, etc .”

John will work with Elman, Sam and others to finalise the Rules. A notice will be sent to residents in due course, announcing the Competition, stating the Rules and inviting submissions.

Sally suggested (and it was agreed) that all entries should be on display at the garden party and that Elman should present the prize then.

5.      Carol and Nick reported on the role of Recycling Champion.

We resolved that the role is to continue for the rest of the year with Carol as recycling champion.

Ali will organise an excursion to Milton Keynes to inspect the recycling plant where our rubbish ends up. Sally, Mary, Sam, Carol and Manda expressed an interest in taking part, and will report back on its effectiveness after the visit.

6.      Events

a.       The film evenings planned by Paul will not now take place

b.      Green Balloon Day

This will take place on Saturday 14th May

The VRG meeting on 19th April will finalize details such as the coffee rota, clearing up etc.

Notification to be sent out around the 14th April – John and Manda will produce a notice based on previous years’ format, template with Paul and Mary.  Jelly and Ali will distribute these mid-April.

A number of “events” will take place: a table tennis tournament was suggested; Ali will organise a Pet Show; Nick will talk to Dick about a musical item or dancers; volunteers prepared to organise other events are invited to let us know.

A reminder with green balloons attached will be sent to residents around the 7th May.

Refreshment table will be at Bill and Diana’s

c.        Summer Tea Party

This will take place on Sunday 18th June at Sally and Jonathan’s

7.      OxClean and recycling

Bill reported on the clean-up day and showed photographs of participants from VRG. The day was judged to have been very successful – in all about 2,000 people participated city-wide.  It was noticed that improvements made last year were still apparent.

Thanks to Nick for providing a super post-cleanup lunch!

8.       Low Carbon Group

Sam reported on progress of this. Leaflets have been distributed in the Summertown area and is developing a scheme to identify the most appropriate supplier of photo-voltaic panels.  The hope is that 10% of all roofs will be fitted with them.  Low carbon conversations will begin in May and courses will take place in the summer.

9.      Summertown Library

Jelly reported on the Save Summertown Library campaign. We considered a suggestion that the VRG support the campaign as a group. However, we  felt this was probably outside VRG’s a political remit, and that it would be more effective to participate as individual residents.

10.  Communications received

a.       John had received information about planning requests for no. 17 Victoria Road and 376 Banbury Road.

In future planning issues will only be available on-line, but John will attempt to let members know of new Applications in Victoria Road via email and a notice-board posting as before.

b.      A questionnaire about local democracy issues has been circulated by Nick.

c.       It was noted that a street party in celebration of the forthcoming royal wedding is not planned by VRG.

11.   Left over wine

It was agreed that Sam would purchase the VRG wine surplus at present held by Sally and Jonathan Bromley.   This consists of approximately 18 bottles at £4 each.

12.  AOB

a.       Ali and Sam will prepare a general newsletter to be distributed as soon as possible.

b.      Bill suggested that we hire a skip for any waste which we are unable to recycle.  It was agreed that this should be shortly after Green Balloon Day, and would be placed in the Clarke’s driveway.

c.       John suggested that it is time to think about a new chair-man, with a change-over some time in the summer. Anyone interested in becoming VRG Chair should contact him.

13.  Thanks were expressed to Sam and Ali for their hospitality in hosting this meeting.

14.   The next meeting will be on Tuesday April 19th at 8pm at Sally and Jonathan’s

Future Dates

1                    The next Music Evening is planned for the Autumn.




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Picking Litter for OxClean 2011

Victoria Road pitched in for OxClean’s Spring Clean 2011, picking up litter near the Marston Ferry and A40 interchange. We found everything from candy wrappers to mufflers, tires and gas cylinders from careless littering to obvious fly-tipping. The good news was that the conditions were better than last year, so we made a difference, and we also had a good time and great natural exercise. Many thanks to all who helped, and particularly Nick and Sue for hosting a soup kitchen for the litter pickers.

Most of the Litter Picking Crew 2011

Lunch for Litter Pickers

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